Privacy Policy The Lions Club of Braintree is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This privacy policy sets out how the Lions Club of Braintree uses and protects any information that you give when you use this website. We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page so you

Donations this Year

This year donations     £9,351.80 Alzheimers Society, British Heart Foundation, Basics Essex, Braintree Salvation Army Braintree Mencap, Carers Connect, Children in Need, Cancer Research (sponsored walk) Children’s Hospital Pyjamas, Crossroads  Braintree & Chelmsford, East Anglian Children’s Hospice Edith Borthwick School, Essex Blood Runners, First Stop Centre Braintree, Great Bradfords School (train) Helen Rollason Cancer Care,

Lions International

Braintree Lions are members of Lions Clubs International. We are part of a global network of 1.4 million volunteers in most countries of the world. When a humanitarian crisis strikes, Lions Clubs International Foundation work with and are guided by their own Lions members who are ordinary people present on the ground. As the World’s


Our train is now operational and has been to several Fetes last year and has donated £700 pounds from proceeds. If you require our train to enhance your Fete please contact us on a first come basis. Please contact Lion John